道德建设最需要扎根于群众 发布时间:2022-07-02 04:34    点击: 次    责任编辑:    出处:原创

《华盛顿邮报》报道说,北京的热情和友好充分展示了当代中国人的精神风貌;《纽约时报》说,中国的志愿者向世人传达出了当代中国的形象:年轻,爱国,有激情并充满自豪感。在社会的过渡期,在历史的空白点,建设最需要的是耐心培育。 灾难,是一个民族道德风尚的“试金石”。人们欣赏他,成千上万的粉丝跟随他,因为他很普通 和ami可学。



ten years of scientific development,the chinese miracle astounded the world; ten years of civilization and progress,chinese character shines in the world."people's daily" (version 01, july 25, 2012) our reporter du feijin, wen hongyan, chen yuan, zhang he


自《公民道德建设实施纲要》发布以来的十年中,道德模式层出不穷,只有三个国家道德模式选择,清单上有162种道德模式,在他们后面的是从全国各地选拔的更多道德模范候选人; 同时,各省的道德模式, 选择中还不断发现城市和地区。

“最近, 世界上的新闻主要是负面的。


道德模式的选择,一一发掘普通生活中的善行,赢得了各界人士和网民的热情响应和热情; 在选择的同时,众多人选择的最漂亮的模特也互相呼应。

people have no quality and are not righteous,the country has nothing but no standing.as the foundation and core of social civilization,morality is as indispensable as sunshine and air.good morality is not only an "indicator" of the degree of social civilization,it is also the "lubricant" for the normal functioning of society.the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation,there is no lack of moral support.

从30多年前封闭已久的国门缓缓打开,世界风扑面而来的那一刻起,我们党就把思想道德建设作为攸关现代化命运的战略任务,从“两手抓,两手都要硬",到“以德治国",再到树立“社会主义荣辱观”,前20多年坚持不懈、奠定基础,后10年接力奋进、成就卓然。因为“最美”没有最初,不算发明,而是来自千千万万人心底的共鸣,是人们积蓄已久的精神呼唤。patriotism, dedication, 伦理, kindness, 开放性 宽容。追求品质,是经济快速增长的时代需要;追求品格,是社会文明和谐的急切召唤。而这一切,都基于人们道德水平的提升。这种观点是不正确的。对无良企业,腐败分子,败德现象的查处,惩罚,谴责,如果缺乏相应的机制,法规与环境,模范的作用就会降低,正风正气就很难持久。市场经济带来道德失败的现象不多,相当, 它是由与市场经济兼容的不完善和不完善的系统和机制引起的。这是在克服众多现实障碍,众多日常积习和众多历史包袱的过程中取得的成绩。这是时代精神的深刻体现,是中国品格的有力表达。 奋进十年中国品格(科学发展成就辉煌·特稿)

as a leader in the cause of socialism with chinese characteristics,the communist party of china has always attached great importance to the construction of socialist spiritual civilization including ideological and moral construction,and made unremitting efforts to this end——

moral beauty,beauty is ordinary,but it is radiant.the heroes around,it is no longer the so-called "gao daquan",it exists in the daily life of ordinary people.they have no rhetoric,their acts of kindness and righteousness are natural,but it marks the direction and scale of moral construction."helping others for pleasure", "courage to do what is right", "honesty and trustworthiness", "dedication", “孝顺的长辈和有爱的亲戚”是在国家道德模式选择中选择的五个主要类别。中国地图,雷锋的后裔遍布全国“雷锋集团”, “雷锋义工”, “雷锋服务公司”, “雷锋集团”,由普通百姓和普通党员组成的团队,出现在任何需要的地方,在有困难的地方采取行动。在大灾大难面前,是各自为战,袖手旁观,还是万众一心,守望相助,不同的选择,彰显着不同的民族品格。由于道德缺陷不在法律范围之内,道德失范不能通过行政或法律手段解决。


comrade jiang zemin put forward: "governing the country by law and governing the country by virtue are complementary to each other.it is necessary to establish a socialist ideological and moral system that is compatible with the socialist market economy, coordinated with the socialist legal system, and inherited from the traditional virtues of the chinese nation.”






“最美妈妈”,"the most beautiful nurse","the most beautiful teacher","the most beautiful driver". someone wants to write this article,to verify who invented each of the "most beautiful" titles,since when,why has become synonymous with noble morals in today's society,how come out from all directions like a blowout.similar chaos and moral errors have also appeared in western developed countries.

the "most beautiful" flower,bloom everywhere


北京, 刚刚经历了61年来最大的暴雨,它也显示了普通人的精神品格,他们崇尚道德和正义,并保持警惕和互相帮助。 文明城市 文明的乡镇 文明单位分批建立; 未成年人的思想道德建设, 大学生思想政治教育年复一年不断加强。

despite the risks and challenges,however, the solid material foundation laid by the reform and opening up for more than 30 years, the broad social consensus gathered, and the powerful spiritual force formed,when the chinese nation faces the moral pains of the social transition period,has won moral dignity.

who is "anonymous tuju"?who is "conscience fritters brother"?



泱泱我中中国,weiwei ceremonial state.reform and opening up, especially the great practice since the 16th national congress of the communist party of china,it has been and will repeatedly prove: we can not only build a prosperous economic power,and it can build a harmonious and advancing civilized country.

在国际盛会中,中国人以开放包容的心态和志愿服务的风采赢得了世界。这些深远的部署,一对一的有力措施,让精神文明的火炬照亮基层,照亮社区,照亮每一个人的心。彼此不认识的私家车组成一个车队,在机场接送和搁浅滞留的乘客。“美国一家媒体说。十年来,from the central to the local level, a set of gradually improved policies and measures to reward heroes and protect good people has been formulated.recognition for good deeds is becoming the norm in society."good people get good rewards" is the consensus of the public.

the economy is advancing by leaps and bounds,the rapid transformation of society,a serious proposition for the communist party of china and the chinese people-whether china can avoid the "moral decline" that has occurred in the developed countries and some developing countries in the west,get rid of the bad influence caused by money worship, extreme individualism, etc.?


in the ranks of models of the times that continue to emerge,post-80s and post-90s have become a dazzling generation.from honest and hardworking migrant workers to honest and benevolent vendors,from college students who sacrificed themselves to save others to teenagers who respected the elderly and loved their relatives,from successful white-collar workers to soldiers and policemen dedicated to the people,various industries,various occasions,the performance of the younger generation is gratifying and proud.zhou jiangjiang, wang junwang, and li boya who died and were injured not long ago to save people,once again, the people across the country felt the tremendous moral power in them; and zhou chong, who had gone to guangzhou from his hometown in xiaogan, hubei, to find a job, did not hesitate to lift up the three-year-old girl in danger.liu hongan, a junior college graduate from baoding city finance and trade school in hebei, bombed the "conscience fritters"let tens of thousands of people realize once again,high morality is also fundamental to the young generation.


china in june,zhang lili, wu bin, gao tiecheng, peng weiping, zhou yulan, zhang wenhua,他们的事就像颂歌在数亿人的耳中回荡; 中国七月周江江 邓金杰一一响亮的名字遍布全国。十年来,我们没有看到所谓的大批判,也很少见到政府部门的行政强制,我们靠树立英雄模范,奖励善行义举,彰显了榜样的力量,促进了社会的进步。for ten years,惩治腐败、扫黄打非坚决有力,打击侵权、造假、欺诈持续不断,道德领域突出问题的专项治理格外强劲,相关的司法体制和法规建设日趋完善,而社会舆论更是对败德现象无情挞伐。改革开放的伟大实践不仅使国家走向富强,也使社会文明迈向新高。“三下乡”, “心对心”, “三个亲密”, “转型”,一次又一次地沉入基层。

——for ten years,the spiritual edifice of reform and development is getting higher and higher,the spiritual character of contemporary china is increasingly manifested,traditional ethics and morals give new connotations,become the "most beautiful" pursuit in the minds of chinese people.

they are ordinary chinese,but when fate pushes them to the point of choice,the moral brilliance that shines in them,but like a brilliant starry sky, it makes people look up,they are the well-deserved pride of our time.

a great country has its own great character,great character comes from great practice.

in ten years,volunteer teams are rapidly rising in the land of china,now it has spread all over the country.from south to north,from east to west,you can see passionate youth everywhere,college students are the backbone of them.they are active in major international events,fighting at the rescue scene of every disaster,and they are always indispensable in the streets and at critical moments of daily life.the capital beijing now has one registered volunteer among nine people.each province, city, and autonomous region also has a large group of volunteers.warm, polite, thoughtful, smiling,is a portrayal of chinese volunteers,it is also the expression of contemporary chinese character.

公民道德重在建设,民族性格塑造,在过去的十年中, 社会逐渐形成了这样的共识。可以说,党的十六大以来的这ten years,是英雄模范层出不穷的十年,是文明素养显着提升的十年,是不畏艰险百折不挠的十年。但是随着相关法律制度的完善和严格执行,这种行为逐渐减弱。 所有时代的模型 所有平民英雄有无数的人拥护善行,他们的想法, 他们的状态,所有这些都已与汉字融为一体。富强与文明,是中华民族近代以来为之不懈奋斗的重要目标。 当舟曲爆发了巨大的泥石流时,运送捐赠物资的车辆一目了然; 当冰冻阻塞交通时,火腿和一杯热水可以很长时间地传递到乘客手中。十年来,中国的道德模式已经成为平民,善行越来越受欢迎,高贵人物的传播和赞誉已从媒体记者扩展到成千上万的网民


comrade deng xiaoping pointed out: "the socialist country we want to build,not only must there be a high degree of material civilization,and there must be a high degree of spiritual civilization."emphasis on the need to "grasp with both hands,both hands must be hard.”

- present day, when the market economy system is gradually established,when social transformation accelerates,can china achieve economic take-off at the same time,in order to avoid "moral slippage" in certain countries/regions,get rid of the adverse effects caused by the worship of money, extreme individualism, etc.,this is a severe proposition put forward by the times to the communist party of china and the chinese people.


。无论是遵规守法意识的增强还是公共秩序的改善,无论是敬业精神的自觉践行还是文明礼仪的大力推广,“谢谢”、“对不起”使用率的迅速提高,让人感到,中国的道德建设这份出色的答卷来之不易。十年来,党中央以胡锦涛同志为总书记,in order to further strengthen and improve the ideological and moral construction of minors, and to strengthen and improve the ideological and political education of college students,made a series of major decisions and deployments,from managing network content to rectifying the campus environment,from strengthening children's literary creation to commending advanced models,from strengthening the construction of professional teams to promoting more care for the whole society,the ideological and moral construction of minors and the ideological and political education of college students have seen an unprecedented new situation.

面对如此巨大的转变,许多人的道德准备还远不充分,一切都想尝试,but the bottom line is uncertain.the old moral concepts and codes of conduct do not adapt to the new era.however, new moral concepts and codes of conduct have not yet been formed for a while.some depraved phenomena such as lack of credibility and failing to save themselves are constantly questioning the conscience of society.例如, “受污染的奶粉”, “废油”, 和“苏丹红”引起了强烈的社会反响,它不仅损害消费者的身心健康,它破坏了社会信任和正常的经济秩序。公民道德建设,它已经成为党和人民的共同使命, 政府和人民。先后资助了180多名极度贫困的学生; 发起了八项捐献造血干细胞的计划,它还发起了一个志愿者俱乐部,以捐赠身体(器官)。



——china is by no means an indifferent and selfish country,the chinese nation has always been a nation that upholds morality and justice.in our blood,there are genes of a nation of five thousand years of etiquette; in our hearts,has the social responsibility of citizens in the new era; in our soul,unshakable moral principles


从自然经济到商品经济,从计划体制到市场体制,从农业社会到工业社会和信息社会,从“熟人社会”到“陌生人社会”……中国正在以令人炫目的速度转型。国家道德模式的基层之旅和“国家道德模式的故事”之旅,让榜样迅速成为社会进步的内在动力; 坚持不懈的“我建议, 我评估周围的好人”活动,让英雄和模特变得和,可亲, 受人尊敬和博学; 公民道德促进日, 公民道德论坛使公民的权利和义务以及公民的社会责任深深植根于人民的心中。

与美国的卡特里娜飓风灾难相比, 与海地地震相比 与法国的夏季高温灾害相比,中国人面对自然灾害的表现,甚至戴着彩色眼镜的西方媒体也必须敬畏,“这是一个伟大的无敌国家。因此,客观地说,不是市场经济,而是市场经济的缺陷,这导致了过渡时期中国社会道德状况的“运动与痛苦交织”。

十年来,以沈浩,杨善洲,王瑛等为代表的好干部,以“当代雷锋”郭明义为代表的普通合伙人,以"the most beautiful mother",“最美护士”等为代表的平民英雄,成千上万,层出不穷。

超过七月和六月比今年还多 去年,一年又一年,一月月有多少英雄和模特, 有多少普通的好人,它在中国的土地上不断涌现。目前,当前有超过3亿未满18岁的未成年人。


comrade hu jintao further pointed out: "whether a society is harmonious,whether a country can achieve long-term stability,to a large extent depends on the ideological and moral quality of all members of society.没有共同的理想信念,没有良好的道德规范,是无法实现社会和谐的。今天,中国互联网的上网人数达到5。我现在可以看到这样的好消息,它使您感到温暖”,美国网民看到吴菊萍之后, 中国“最美丽的母亲”, 世界上主要媒体的报道,感慨地说。130亿,互联网普及率已经达到38。对于人们推荐的那些型号,成立党政部门总是及时表扬他们,热情的奖励。in daily life, he accumulates 善良,became a great love,adhere to free blood donation for 20 years,a total of 60 000 ml of blood was donated,equivalent to 10 times the total blood volume; donated 120,000 yuan to the hope project, workers around me and the construction of the disaster area.

——for ten years,我们坚持以人为本、大力加强社会主义核心价值体系建设,在科学发展的道路上思想不迷航,have a backing,pursue a direction,the society raises the sail of 爱国主义, 奉献精神 honesty and trustworthiness, unity and cooperation, and pioneering and innovative.


——for ten years,我国精神文明建设,一步一个脚印,楷模辈出、群星璀璨,仅这十年间就涌现了成千上万的道德模范